NichigoPress (NAT) Nov.2017 by Nichigo Press - Issuu

夜明けBrand New Days/Gran☆Ciel special live edition

京都 蔦屋書店岡安秀士個展「Drowse⁄Quiet Dawn 微睡の中の 静かな


表具師・八上松竹堂 Yagami Shochikudo | 表具師・八上松竹堂 別館

夜明けの雲 | Discography

モイスチュアライジング ジェル 230ml: コスメ&ビューティー

Kenjiro Tsuda - Wikipedia

SHOWROOM(ショールーム) | ライブ配信サービス

梶原景時ってどんなひと? | 一般社団法人 寒川町観光協会

梶原景時公関連情報の発信・配布場所、寒川町観光協会について | 一般

//// still moments - intentional production ////
▲ order production there are spot small items will be shipped every other day.
▲ Material is matte hard shell:
3D all-inclusive printing left and right all-inclusive upper and lower half package matte touch strong protection light hard shell.
▲ phone shell can be made types are:
the iPhone 4 / 4S / 5 / 5S / 5se / 6 / 6S / 6plus / 6sPlus / 7 / 7plus / 8 / 8plus / the X-
other popular models can be asked whether the production: HTC Samsung SONY LG OPPO
▲ (Please Inbox uS IF you CAN not the find your model)
(If you do not find your model please send a message to us about the possibility of making your model oh)
Because of love painting love beautiful color
so that the favorite creation (nostalgia) printed on small objects
all design from zero to have 100% heart
still moments for you to keep the most beautiful moment.
# Please note that the color will be different depending on the phone computer and the light may be some color so it is not possible to return the goods on the grounds of color! But the product is absolutely beautiful! All small things are handmade goods are hard to produce Quality control is guaranteed the production date of about 5 - 10 days excluding holidays produced within 1 to 3 days to send thank you / your heart waiting and appreciate our small things.
Origin / Manufacturing